Code of Ethics
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Code of Conduct

☛Educational institution is a place where the future of the students is shaped and thereby the density of the nation is carved. Hence it has a special place in thesociety and needs special code of conduct. Along with general conduct rules prescribed by the Government, the teaching staff of the colleges may follow the code of conduct given below.


☛1. The principal should conduct himself/ herself in such a way that both the staff and students look up to him/her for guidance.

☛2. He/she should be impartial, secular, dignified and punctual in discharging him/her duties.

☛3. The Principal should be present in the college at least half-an-hour before the commencement of the college timings and leave the college after the day’s work is over.

☛4. He/she should be pace setter in dress, demeanor, attendance, punctuality etc.

☛5. He/she should handle the minimum number of classes prescribed in the rules and should endeavor to be an example as the first teacher in the college.

☛6. The Principal should be in constant touch with students and residence of the hostel (wherever hostel is attached) which will greatly solve the problem of indiscipline and discontent in the college and on the campus.

☛7. The Principal should be a true academic and administrative leader and assume full responsibility for discipline in the college.

☛8. The Principal should exhibit qualities of effective leadership in all academic and administrative activities of the college.


☛1. The members of the teaching staff should be models of decency in their dress and demeanor, culture and academic leadership. They should be impartial in dealing with any student problem.

☛2. The lectures should avoid wearing gaudy looking clothes likely to arouse the curiosity, resentment or amusement of students, which will distract their attention towards the teaching.

☛3. He/she should be punctual to the college and enter the class rooms at the prescribed time and utilize full time allotted for teaching. He/she should not leave the class before the prescribed time is over.

☛4. He/she should go to the class room thoroughly prepared and maintain all academic records update knowledge and acquaintance with the latest trends in the subject.

☛5. The lecturers should utilize their leisure time for preparation of the class work or to update their knowledge in the subject.

☛6. Except giving synopsis of the lecturer they should avoid dictating detailed notes in the class room.

☛7. He/she must be present during the working hours of the college and if required he/she should also be present in the college until the work assigned is completed.

☛8. He/she should not smoke, chew pan during the college hours and should not indulge in any act of indiscipline.

☛9. He/she should always try to command the respect of the student community.

☛10. The lecturer should be absent only with the prior permission of the Principal and prior intimation to the lecturer-in-charge of the department, without which the alternate arrangement for running the classes is not possible.

☛11. The lecturer should not engage private tuitions and should not take up any assignment part-time or full-time in any other organization.

☛12. The lecturers working in a college should form a disciplined and purposeful team, subordinating their individual interests and caprices to the college academic purpose and fit into a harmonious organizational frame work. They should help the Principal in maintaining the discipline in the college.


☛• Rules of conduct and discipline for students in a college should be framed by the college keeping in view the instructions and the guidelines received from the Government and the Affiliating body.

☛• All such rules should be printed in the college hand book to facilitate perusal by the student.

☛• The code of discipline for students should be comprehensive and should include matters like attendance, punctuality, respect for staff members. Cordial relations with fellow students, maintenance of peace on the campus, proper use of college property like furniture, scientific equipment, library books, games material etc.

☛• It should be clearly stated in the rules that offences like eve-teasing, misbehavior towards the staff and damage to college property will attract severe punishment.

☛• A discipline committee should be constituted in the college to enforce the rules of discipline. The Committee should deal with all problems of discipline in the college and advise the Principal. The discipline committee should consist of a few staff members and also students nominated by the Principal. The office bearers of the students union may also be considered for nomination.

☛• As per G. O. Ms. No. 154, dated 17-01-1964 action can be taken against students who indulge in eve-teasing or similar activity prohibited on the college premises.

☛• As maintenance of discipline is of utmost importance, the Principal should take all necessary steps to promote discipline among the students not only through the disciplinary approach but also through the day-in and day-out persuasion. Great care should be taken in following the procedure when punishment is awarded. The will avoid future litigation and complications.

• Before any student is punished for any act of indiscipline, the Principal should:

☛1. Order an enquiry to be conducted by at least three staff members,

☛2. Issue a show cause notice to the student and parent or guardian,

☛3. Obtain the explanation, if possible and place the matter before the staff council for advice.

☛• After following the procedure and fulfilling the prerequisities the Principal may impose suitable punishment under intimation to the Commissioner of Collegiate Education.

☛• It may be noted that in all cases of imposing punishment on students for acts of indiscipline, the Principal should observe the prescribed procedure carefully.


☛• Come regularly and punctually to the college.

☛• Attend all classes without exception.

☛• Be sincere and honest in all activities/dealings.

☛• Participate in curricular/extra-curricular activities with zeal and enthusiasm.

☛• Appear for all monthly/quarterly/half-yearly/pre-final examinations compulsorily.

☛• Bestow personal interest in maintenance and use of infrastructural facilities.

☛• Be courteous and polite to all.

☛• Use proper methods while seeking grievance redressal.


The Lecturer is the main pillar on which the system of Collegiate Education rests. Teaching is the most important function of the lecturer which should be undertaken with utmost dedication and sincerity. The functions of lecturers are detailed below.

☛1. The lecturer has the primary duty to disseminate knowledge in his/her subject to all the students.

☛2. At the beginning of the academic year, the lecturer in-charge of the department should distribute syllabus to the members of the department, by convening the meeting of all staff members in the department.

☛3. Taking into consideration the number of working days and periods available for each subject, the month –wise annual plan should be prepare for each lecturer in the department. Provision should be made for revision of the syllabus before the end of the academic year.

☛4. The lecturer should follow the month-wise annual plan and complete the syllabus allotted to him/her. In case of any dislocation in working days, either due to disturbances or due to his/her own absence in the college, the syllabus should be completed by taking extra classes.

☛5. The lecturer should inform the students regarding the schedule of coverage of syllabus.

☛6. The lecturer-in-charge of the department should review the progress of coverage of syllabus at the end of every month and inform the Principal. If the schedule is not completed, he should discuss with the lecturer concerned and plan for the completion of backlog in the succeeding month.

☛7. The lecturer concerned should also plan the seminars, tutorial and assignments and such other academic activities.

☛8. Along with the lecture method, the lecturer should also motivate the student and enliven the process of learning by adapting student centered methods of instruction like group discussions, question-answer sessions etc.

☛9. To achieve the best results, it is necessary for the lecturer to give regular assignments to the students, preferably every fortnight.

☛10. The lecturer should necessarily take the help of audio-visual methods of teaching by using over-head projector, slide projector, charts, etc.

☛11. He/she should also organize screening of educational films wherever/whenever possible.

☛12. The lecturer should maintain the teaching diary in the given proforma. This should be submitted to the Principal, through In-charge of the department every month.

☛13. The lecturer should maintain synopsis of each lesson prepared by him/her. As far as possible, a copy of the synopsis should be provided to the students. The record of synopsis maintained by the lecturer will be checked by the Principal every month.

☛14. The lecturer should conduct periodic test in the subject and motivate the slow-learners to bring them on par with other students in the class. A record of marks obtained at monthly, quarterly and half-yearly test should be maintained in the department. Incentives in the form of prizes may be provided to those who get higher ranks. The progress of the students should be submitted to the Principal through in-charge lecturer, so that consolidated progress report can be sent to the parents.

☛15. Remedial coaching: Remedial coaching should be arranged for academically weak students, outside the college hours. The UGC grants for this purpose can be utilized. The in-charge of the department should plan for remedial coaching and submit it to the Principal, who should plan the finance for the program. The teaching staff of the department or the bright students of senior classes may be involved in this program .

☛16. The lecturer should participate in Students Counseling Programs organized by the Principal. He/she should give necessary counseling to 50 to 70 students allotted to him/her. Guidance should be given on opportunities in the field of Collegiate education and employment opportunities. As a Counselor, the lecturer should act as a liaison between college administration and his wards. He/she should enlighten the wards about the facilities available in library, games etc., and orient them to the traditions, rules and regulations of the college.

☛17. The lecturer working in Science subjects should see that practical classes are conducted immediately after the theory classes of a particular topic is completed. There should be perfect co-ordination of theory and practical classes. In practical classes, the lecturer should bestow personal attention on every student and verify his/her work. The practical classes should be continued till the end of the specified period.

☛18. The lecturer should co-operate and participate in all co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in the college.

☛19 He/she should accept the membership of the Committees to which he/her is nominated by the Principal and discharge the duties with commitment.

☛20 The lecturer should attend to all examination duties without fail.

☛21 The lecturer should assist the Principal in the maintenance of the discipline in the college

☛22 He/she should remain in the college premises during the college working hours and even beyond the working hours, if require.

☛23 The lecturer should also as a community service, conduct such programs such as use for seminars, interface-discussions, etc. involving local experts, and the users for the benefit of the community. The lecturer of the subject concerned can act as moderator.

☛24 The lecturer should attend to any duty assigned to him/her by the Principal or any other higher authority.

☛25 As per the orders of the Government and the concerned University from time to time, the lecturers have to adhere to the work load prescribed.

☛26 The lecturer is accountable to the Principal of the College.

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