Examinations and Evaluation Policy
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Examinations and Evaluation Policy

Government College (Autonomous) Ananthapuramu

(Affiliated to Sri Krishnadevaraya University)




  1. Preamble:


Government College, Anantapuramu got Autonomous status from UGC in the academic year 2016-2017. ‘Teaching and Learning’ is the core function of the College, and it aims to cater to the diverse educational needs of the students’ capabilities and potentialities.  College offers 37 UG and 10 PG Programmes.  Academic policies, Evaluation patterns and procedures become the integral part of Examination system to set standards in achieving programme outcomes.  Academic and Examination policies from time to time are formulated and amended by Examination Committee by taking final approval from the Academic Council. As the Autonomous Colleges have freedom to have their own evaluation methods without violating university regulations. 


2. Evaluation: 

The term ‘Evaluation’ refers generally to the gathering, collating and interpretation of information related to the student‟s learning abilities, learning attainments, learning strengths and areas of learning that need addressing. In brief, an evaluation is any assessment of a student‟s performance in a credit course which will count towards the final grade achieved by the student in that course. Evaluation of student performance is established by the faculty through their respective Departments (or Programs), under the authority of Lecture In-charge/Ward in-Charge and Exam cell. The College recognizes the need for evaluation of student performance to adhere to college-wide standards to ensure fairness and consistency in good practice.


The Examination and Evaluation policy aims to explain the rationale & importance of assessment, enlist various patterns of assessments, schedules, post assessment procedures to publish the results and award the degree. The regulations listed under this head are common for all undergraduate and Post Graduate programmes offered in the College based on the Guidelines for Implementation of Academic Autonomy at College level by Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapuramu. The regulations are subject to amendments as may be made by the Academic Council of the college from time to time, keeping the recommendations of the Examination Committee in view. Any or all such amendments will be effective from such date and to such batches of candidates including those already undergoing the programme, as may be decided by the Academic Council.

3. Examination Committee (EC) 

The methodology for examination and evaluation of the programmes run by this college is as under Examination Committee (EC) which is constituted as follows: 

  1.  Principal (Chairman), 
  2.  Controller of Examinations (CoE), 
  3.  Chairpersons of the Boards of Studies (BOS) and 
  4.  Academic Coordinator.


4. The Responsibilities and Duties of Examination Committee (EC):

  • The EC shall ensure proper performance of the various duties in     

    conducting examinations viz. paper setting, time table preparation,  

    assessment and declaration of results.

  • The EC shall recommend examination reforms and shall implement 

        them after the approval of Academic Council (AC).

  • The EC shall prepare the detailed time table of examinations         as  per the schedule approved by Academic Council.
  • The EC shall arrange for strict vigilance during the conduct of 

          examinations in order to avoid use of unfair means/ malpractices by the students, faculty and invigilators.

  • Complaint Redressal Committee (CRC) shall be an independent 

          committee consisting of three members appointed by Chairman, EC as and when required to deal with the complaints related to the conduct of examinations.

  • The recommendations of the CRC shall be approved by the     Chairman and EC to take appropriate disciplinary actions in the      

   concerned matter. The disciplinary actions shall be endorsed by the       


  • For any meeting of EC, one-third members shall constitute a quorum.
  • The members of EC shall meet at least twice during the academic 

       year and at other times as and when necessary.

  • The various formats shall be prepared by EC for record keeping and 

          monitoring all examination related activities.

  • The EC shall perform such duties and responsibilities that are 

   assigned by Academic Council of the institute from time to time.

  • Controller of Examinations (CoE) shall be assisted by the Assistant  Controllers of Examination (ACoE) for carrying out the following  activities:


5. Assessment Pattern 

Assessment of the students performance is made on the basis of the knowledge, skills and competencies for the course as defined in the curriculum. The assessment of students' performance in course work during and/or at the conclusion of a programme has to be done in the examinations. In general, an examination addresses different objectives, like achievement-testing, prediction-testing, endurance-testing, creativity-testing and testing for ranking.

The Regulations given below enable the Autonomous Colleges to achieve this goal and gain the confidence and respect of the stake holders, particularly students. Typically achievement- testing is done in two parts as follows, both of them being important in assessing a student's achievement.

Evaluation of UG & PG programmes is based on both Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA), held twice in the course of the semester at pre-determined intervals and the End Semester Examination (SEE) held at the end of each Semester.


5.1 Evaluation/ Assessment Pattern for UG Programmes 

The CIA will be carried out for 50 marks as follows:

(Mid 1) 20+ 15 (Mid 2) +5 (Assignment) +5 (Seminar/quiz/ group discussions etc.,) +5 (Clean and green) and scaled down to 40.

(The assessment pattern of mid exam 1 and 2 are enclosed).

  • The first mid-term exam of 20 max marks, has long answer questions of 5 marks each (one out of 3 to be answered); Short answer questions of two marks each (Five out of 7 to be answered), and 10 objective questions of half mark each (all questions to be answered).


  • The second mid-term exam of 15 maximum marks has long answer questions of 5 marks each (One out of 3 to be answered); Short answer questions of two marks, each (Five out of 7 to be answered).


Semester End Examinations (SEE)

The external examination shall be conducted at the end of the semester for 60 marks. The question paper shall be set by the examiner (from the list of external examiners approved by the AC/EC) duly following the guidelines and pattern set by BoS of respective course.


Lab Courses (Practical / Practice / Workshop): 

Practical’s are being conducted for 100 marks split between odd and even semesters for 50 marks each


Community Service Project (CSP) / Internship Programmes 


The Community Service Project (CSP) / Internship Programmes are to be implemented as following:

  • In the intervening summer vacation of second and third Semesters, students take up CSP with 2 months duration which carries 100 Marks with 4 Credits. The award of 100 Marks hasthe following split up:
    1. Project Log Book- 20 Marks
    2. Project Implementation – 30 Marks
    3. Project Report------ 25 Marks
    4. Project Presentation 25 Marks


  • In the intervening summer vacation of fourth and fifth Semesters, the student has to enroll for On-Job-Training (OJT). / Internship of 2 months duration, the programme carries 100Marks with 2 credits.


  • The students of arts and commerce programmes shall undergo apprenticeship/internship/On-job training in the fifth semester and the remaining students in science programmes shall undergo in VI semester. The programme carries 200Marks with 12 credits.

For successful implementation of internship programmes, the students are divided into groups of 10 to 15 (Mentees) who are allotted to each faculty member (Mentor). A mobile application, IMAP is to be used for implementation of internship programmes.




  1. A continuous internal assessment (CIA) (for 30 marks) by the concerned Course teacher as well as by an end of semester examination (for 70 marks) and will consolidated at the end of the course for 100 marks. The components for continuous internal assessment are :
  2. Passing minimum for end of semester exam will be 40% out of 70 marks (i.e., 28 marks). Passing minimum for Internal Examination will be 40% out of 30 marks (i.e., 12 marks).
    1. Lab Courses (Practical / Field trip/Study project): Practicals are being conducted for 100 marks split between odd and even semesters for 50 marks eachOut of 50 marks, 40 marks are to be awarded for experiments/job works and 5 marks for record and 5 for viva-voce examination.



  1. Paper Setters and Examiners:


         The Question papers shall be set by the External Examiner for 60 Marks for UG courses and 70 marks for PG courses (Semester-end Examinations) as per the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). The Semester-end Examination Question papers shall be sent to the respective Principal by the Controller of Examinations.


  1. Every precaution is taken to set the question paper correctly and to maintain the secrecy. Each paper setter is supplied with the approved syllabus, model question paper and blue print. The paper setter is requested to send a soft copy of the scheme of valuation to the Examination Cell and also is directed not to mention the name of the college on the question paper.
  2. The paper setting of SEE shall be done by the external faculty who is teaching the course. A panel of subject experts from outside the college shall be prepared for this purpose by the BoS. This step is necessary for gaining the confidence of the University and also of the society at large, on the fairness and transparency in the system.
  1. Two sets of papers to be possessed for each course.


  1. The remuneration for paper setting is to be proposed by the Finance Committee.




  1. Conduction of Examinations:

7.1 Medium of Examination

A Student admitted to a particular medium of instruction has to appear for the examinations in that medium only. If for their own reasons they write the examination in another medium, their scripts will not be valued.


7.2 Fee structure:

UG Courses

B.A. General                                                                 …      Rs.500/-

B.A. Communicative Eng/Journalism/Archeology                  …      Rs.630/-

B.Com Gen/Dig. Marketing/Taxation                            …      Rs.500/- 

B.Com. CA                                                                  …      Rs.630/-

B.Sc.,/BA Computers Cs/CA                                        …        Rs. 630/-

B.Sc., Gen/ Applied Stats                                                        …        Rs. 570/-

B.Sc., (Bio. Tech/Bio. Chemistry/Bio-Technology/

            Renewable Energy/Analytical Chemistry/

             All Honours Courses/Horticulture )                            …        Rs. 570/-   

BBA/BSc Gaming                                                         …        Rs. 670/-   



PG Courses:

M.A./M.Com/M.Sc. (All)                                             …        Rs. 550/-   


7.3. Waiver of Examination Fee 


The examination fee is waived for physically challenged students. No waiver is given for Memo and Provisional Certificate. 



  1. 4. Sem End Examinations for theory papers

CoE and the Examination conduction Committee shall be responsible for smooth and proper conduct of examination in the College. CoE shall -

  • Give the directions to College Examination Coordinator (CEC) for smooth conduct of examination.
  • Prepare the master plan for seating arrangement, by taking into considerations the total number of students appearing for the examination and seating arrangement available in the College.
  • Get the examination schedule prepared for the entire programme and send the copy of the same to all Heads of the Department and CEC.
  • Receive the requirements of answer books, supplements, graph papers and other material from CEC and keep it ready centrally for distributing to students during examinations. 
  • Receive the cases of misbehaviour, malpractices, copying cases from CEC for taking further necessary action.
  • Receive the list of external examiners (for conducting practical examinations) for various courses from Heads of the Department for record purpose.
  • Seating arrangement shall be made centrally as per the master plan for seating arrangement.
  • CoE shall appoint staff for examination as per requirement.
    •  There shall be one invigilator for a block of 25- 30 students subject to maximum two per  room.
    • Invigilators, additional invigilator, and relievers shall be appointed centrally among the faculty of all departments.
      • Depending on the need and availability, CoE may change the number of staff for conducting examination.
  • CoE shall hand over the required material to the CEC and in turn the CEC will conduct the examination as per the existing rules.
  • There shall be continuous monitoring by taking rounds in different examination blocks to confirm that invigilators are performing their duties properly and discipline is being maintained during examination.
  • CEC shall forward the cases of misbehaviour, indiscipline, malpractices, attempt to copy, copying cases to CoE for taking necessary action.
  • After receiving the answer books from CEC, ACoE(Assistant Controller of Examinations) shall check them as per the attendance record submitted by the invigilators and then sort out the answer books of each course separately.
  • ACoE shall direct the sealing assistant to tie the bundles of answer books of each course separately along with two copies of question papers; copies of attendance sheet, record of supplements issued etc. and pack them. Thereafter, he/she shall handover all packets to the ACE looking after assessment on the same day or latest on the next day. He/she shall maintain the record of all such packets of answer books.


  • Office-clerk (examination) shall maintain the account of answers books and supplements received and consumed for the examination in a register. He/She shall also prepare the bills of remuneration of all staff involved in the examination work and submit those to ACE for further action.
  • CEC shall prepare the bill for remunerations of staff involved in SEE as per rules.
  • Remuneration shall be paid to the staff involved in conduct of examination after the examination is over and account of payment shall be submitted to the office within a week.


  1.  Semester End Examination for Lab courses

Semester End Examination for lab shall be conducted as per the examination schedule approved by EC. However in case of any emergency, the examination may be rescheduled with the prior approval of CoEs. College Examination Coordinator (CEC) shall act as coordinator for conducting practical examinations.

  • CEC /Lecturer in-charge of the concerned department shall be responsible for proper conduct of practical examinations and various examination related activities of the concerned department. However, Lecturer in-charge shall take the services of staff of his/her Department for this purpose.
  • CEC in consultation with Lecturer in-charge and CoE shall prepare detailed timetable (batch-wise) for the lab examination of the concerned department.
  • The Lecturer in-charge shall submit the schedule and final list of examiners for all lab examinations to exam cell. Based on the list of examiners received from Lecturer in- charge, CoE shall issue the appointment orders.
  • For external evaluation of UG project and PG project in practicals, external examiner outside the college is mandatory.
  • Appointments of the external examiners for semester end evaluation of Practicals shall be done only for Even semesters for UG Courses. Whereas, for PG Courses external examiners are appointed for both odd and even semesters from the list of Examiners recommended by BoS of the respective departments
  • Lecturer in-charge of concerned department shall send the required panels of external examiners for UG and PG projects to the exam cell. The appointment orders of internal and external examiner shall be issued by CoE/Convener of Examination Committee.
  • Lecturer in-charge of the concerned department shall appoint internal staff for lab examination and forward the copy of the same to the CoE.
  • Internal examiners shall make all the necessary arrangements of equipment/laboratory setup required for conducting lab examination of the courses for which their appointment is made.
  • After the lab examination of the course is over, internal examiner along with the other examiner shall prepare the mark list, and submit it in sealed envelope to exam cell on the same day or latest by the next working day along with TA/DA and remuneration bills. These marks are not to be disclosed to the students.


  1.  Assessment of Community Service Project, Internship and Projects:

    • Evaluation of Practicals, Community Service Project, Internship, and projects shall be conducted as per the schedule approved by EC.
    • The student is evaluated for his/her Community Service Project or project through the quality of work carried out, the novelty in the concept, the report submitted and presentation(s) etc.
    • Appointments of the external examiners for semester end evaluation of project shall be issued by CoE based on the recommendations from BoS. Examination Committee shall prepare detailed timetable (batch-wise/student-wise) for the project examination and coordinate the conduct of the same.


  1. Scribes for Disabled Candidates

Students who have identified themselves as students with disability should submit a written request to the Convener of Examination Committee three weeks before the commencement of SEE for scribe assistance. The facility of Scribe/Reader/Lab Assistant may be allowed to any person who has disability of 40% of more if so desired by the person. Such candidates may be given compensatory time of one hour for examination of 2 1/2 hours duration.


7.8.  Conduct of re-examination

Conduct re-examination (semester-end & mid-semester) to students who represent the institution in State/National/International events through various platforms like NSS/NCC or sports. For this it is made mandatory that such candidates should submit prior intimation through proper channel to the Controller of Examinations. 






Every student appearing for the Examination is liable to be charged as malpractice case, if he/she is observed as committing any one or more of the following acts:

  1. Misbehaviour with officials or any other kind of rude behaviour in or near the Examination Hall and using obscene or abusive language.
    1. Writing on the Question Paper / Admission Ticket and/or passing on the same to other student(s) in the Examination Hall.
      1. Disclosing his/her identity by writing name or any words or by making any peculiar marks or by writing USN on the pages other than the facing sheet in the answer scripts.
      2. Possession of electronic gadgets like mobile phone, programmable calculator, pen- drive or such other /storage device in the Examination Hall.
      3. Communicating with any other student(s) or any other person(s) inside or outside the Examination Hall with a view to take assistance or aid to write answers in the examination.
      4. Copying from the material or matter or answer(s) of another student or from similar aid or assistance rendered by another student within the Examination Hall.
      5. Making any request of representation or offer of any threat for inducement or bribery to Invigilator and/or any other official for favours in the Examination Hall or in the answer script.
      6. Approaching directly or indirectly the teaching staff, officials or examiners or bring about undue pressure or influence upon them for favour in the examination.
      7. Smuggling out or smuggling in the answer script pages or supplementary sheets or tearing them off and/or inserting pages written outside the examination hall into the answer scripts.
      8. Receiving material from outside or inside the Examination Hall, for the purpose of copying.
      9. Bringing into the Examination Hall or being found in possession of portions of an unauthorized book, manuscript, or such other material or matter in the Examination Hall.
      10. Copying or taking aid from any material or matter referred to in sub-clauses (9 & 10) above to answer in the examinations.
      11. Attempting to write the exam without possessing a valid ID card / Hall Ticket / permission from competent authority. Impersonating or allowing any other person to impersonate to answer in his/her place in the Examinational Hall.
      12. Committing any other act or commission or omission intending to gain an advantage or favour in the examination by misleading, deceiving or inducing the examiner or official.




  • Attendance in all the components is compulsory, while pursuing studies in any Semester and shall reckon as,
  • Candidate shall be eligible to appear for End semester examination if he/she acquires a minimum of 75% attendance in aggregate in all the subjects during a semester.
  • No consideration whatsoever in attendance will be shown to any student for late admission due to any reason.
  • Condonation of shortage of attendance may be recommended provided a student puts in at least 60% attendance in all the papers put together, and the Principal is satisfied with the reason for shortage of attendance.
  •  A student who could not satisfy these requirements of attendance as given in clauses above, in any semester, shall have to repeat that semester.
  • A student is required to complete the course of study satisfying the 

     attendance requirements in all the six semesters.


  1. Semester End Examination Result 

Results usually shall be declared after 20 days from the date of the last examination. After all grievances are addressed, the final result will be declared by CoE office after two weeks.


  1. Supplementary Examinations:

No supplementary examinations as per UGC guidelines.


  1. Pass Mark Regulations:


In CBCS system, 10 point scale evaluation is followed. Examinations are conducted in Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and Semester End Examinations (SEE) pattern.

  1. Passing minimum for end of semester exam for UG courses will be 40% out of 60 marks (i.e., 24 marks). Passing minimum for Internal Examination will be 40% out of 40 marks (i.e., 16 marks). Passing minimum for end of semester exam for PG Courses will be 40% out of 70 marks (i.e., 28 marks). Passing minimum for Internal Examination will be 40% out of 30 marks (i.e., 12 marks). 
  1. Lab Courses (Practical / Field trip/Study project): Practical‟s are being conducted for 100 marks split between odd and even semesters for 50 marks eachOut of 50 marks, 40 marks are to be awarded for experiments/job works and 5 marks for record and 5 for viva-voce examination.
  1. Instant Examinations

Instant examinations are conducted only for the Final Year regular outgoing students  immediately after declaration of final results.


  1. Calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA)

  • Cumulative performance of all the semesters together will reflect performance in the whole programme and it will be known as Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA), Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) respectively.
  • SGPA/CGPA is the real indicators of a students‟ performance of the programme. CGPA is computed as the ratio of total credits points secured by a student in various courses in all semesters and sum of the total credits of all courses in all semesters. SGPA, CGPA may be computed up to two decimal places.


  1. Grievances in Examinations


The examination system of the College shall also provide for mechanism to redress/ resolve any reasonable and valid issue(s) of grievances and provide relief to the concerned Candidates. All such matters shall be resolved subject to the College/parent University rules and regulations.


  1. Re-evaluation

    1. Re-evaluation is applicable only for theory papers and shall not be entertained for practicals/
      1. Every application for revaluation should be submitted by the candidate through online  in the prescribed form along with the prescribed fee so as to be received by the Controller of Examinations within TWO WEEKS of obtaining the Results.
      2. The CoE shall arrange for re-evaluation of such answer-scripts by an examiner from the approved panel of examiners. If there is a difference of more than 20% of maximum marks between the first valuation and Re-evaluation, the average of the original and re-evaluated marks shall be awarded to the candidate. Otherwise the candidate is entitled to the marks advantageous to him/ her.
      3. The marks awarded by the original examiner if marked on the answer scripts shall be concealed from the answer script and sent for revaluation.

In all cases of revaluation, Fees once paid will not be refunded. 












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