The national assessment and accreditation council (NACC) propose that every accredited institution Should establish an internal quality assurance cell (IQAC) as quality initiative, post-accreditation quality Sustenance measure and institutional development as per (NACC) guidelines, IQACāS major work to Focus on access, equity and quality, promotion of talent, skill development and stand alone schemes. It looks after continuous improvement rather than being punitive or judgmental, so that all institution Of higher learning are empowered to maximize their resources, opportunities and capabilities and support assessment through performance evaluation of an institution and /or its units.
On June 9th 2017, Government College(A), Anantapuram reaccredited with A Grade with Institution source 3.13 CGPA in Third cycle by NACC.
In the 106 year aged history, under the auspices of UGC plan, the government college Anantapuram, IQAC was established on 02-07-2004 as a part of an institutional system and works Towards realizing the goals of quality sustenance and enhancement in upcoming years and Accordingly get prepared for next assessment.
The IQAC ensures all the stakeholders i.e., students, parents, teachers, staff, Alumni, Funding agencies and society that whatever is done in the institution for EDUCATIONā is done Efficiently and effectively at self defined standards and is devoid of mistakes of all kind, in general of accountability in quality management of the college and the education.
- To ensure and promote quality initiatives and interventions prioritizing the holistic growth of the college in unison with its vision and mission.
- To arrange for in-service programmes for the Teaching, Non-Teaching & Sub-Staff.
- To implement curricular & extracurricular initiatives with consciousness towards Nation Building.
- To stimulate the academic environment to keep abreast with the latest technology based teaching-learning.
- To collaborate with stakeholders in order to enrich quality initiatives.
- To sustain holistic quality through the regular conduct of Academic and Administrative Audit.
IQAC coordinator
Dr. T.Jithendra, M.Sc., NET., Ph.D.,
Associate Professor in Chemistry