Government College(A), Anantapur excels in India Today survey with B. Sc. at 118th rank, B.A. at 140th rank, and B.Com at 200th rank Nationwide. Ranked top among Government Colleges in Andhra Pradesh..💐💐  

Government College follows the UGC Regulations, Court Directives and State Act to ban any and all sorts of ragging activities in the campus. The college totally prohibits and prevents ragging. An anti-ragging cell is created with the Principal as the Chairperson and the Coordinator as the Staff-in charge. The Staff-in-charge can be contacted any time by the students in case there is any ragging related issue.

☛The steps taken to implement anti-ragging both in college campus and in hostel are as follows.

☛ • During orientation programme for the fresher’s, they are given instruction to reach the staff in-charge for anti-ragging in case they have any problems.

☛• To establish a friendly ambience there is a welcome party hosted by the seniors to the juniors in the presence of the faculty members.

☛• To overcome their shyness and fears and to extend a friendly hand shake with the seniors, a thanks giving party is hosted by the juniors To the seniors

☛• The first-year students are also made to be part of the students' union so they overcome their fears and mingle well with their seniors.

☛• The office bearers of the Students' Union along with the student members of the discipline committee also monitor and that prevents ragging.

Beyond all these measures if any student is found guilty of ragging strict action will be taken. Action towards the guilty will be based on the extent of behaviour.

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