College History
Government College(A), Anantapur excels in India Today survey with B. Sc. at 118th rank, B.A. at 140th rank, and B.Com at 200th rank Nationwide. Ranked top among Government Colleges in Andhra Pradesh..šŸ’šŸ’  






Government College (Autonomous), Anantapur started in 1916, is the oldest and the most prestigious institution in Rayalaseema (Southern A.P.) area. This college has completed 107 years of yeoman service to the noble cause of education. On 8th July 1916 this college was started as the Ceded District College (A Second Grade College) with Sri S. E. Ranganathan as its first Principal. To start with, there were 41 students, spread over the different faculties of History, Telugu, Kannada, Sanskrit and Logic under Part - II. In the early years of its functioning, besides the eminent Principal Sri S. E. Ranganathan, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, teacher of the teachers, ennobled the cause of education in the institution by his service as a member staff. He worked as a Tutor in Philosophy in the college.


The College is affiliated to Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur. The UGC granted Autonomous status to this college during the academic year 2016-2017 for a period of six years which will be extended from time to time. Under the Autonomous Grade set up, the college introduced Semester system with CBCS pattern. The college has been accredited thrice at ‘A” Grade by NAAC. It has also been ranked as the best college by NIRF and India Today rankings.


Major Milestones of the college


1914 Madras Government took decision to start the college in Ceded Districts


1916 : Government College, Anantapur was started as the Ceded District

           College (A Second   Grade College) in 1916.


1917 : Hostel facilities were also provided to the students by constructing the old block of the    hostel in 1917.


1918 : On 6-6-1918 the college was given first grade status and it had the unique honour of being inaugurated by Lord Pent land (Foundation stone of Ceded District College, 1918). On the occasion of the inauguration many prominent  men of the region came forward to institute endowment prizes and 

scholarships, of which Rao Saheb M. Hampaiah was a pioneer.


1920 : Under the president ship of Diwan Bahadur Kesava Pillai, the first college day  celebrated on 23rd October, 1920.



1923 : T T C College attached.


1926 : After the formation of the Andhra state, the college was affiliated to the 

          Andhra University and later to Sri Venkateswara University.


1928 : TTC College shifted to Bellary


1930 : The College was affiliated to Madras University


1931 : Former President of India, Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy was a student.


1930 : The new block of the hostel was constructed in1930 (Foundation stone   

            of Ceded District).


The Third decade saw C.D.S. Chetty an educationist of long and varied experience, as principal, under his aegis, the college acquired a leading status. It was a period of further expansion in several directions.


1940 : An ambulance division affiliated to St. John ambulance Brigade of Madras was started in 1940.


1944-45 : The College also saw the starting of the University Officers Training 

                     Corps in 1944-45 which formed a part of the first Madras battalion  



1946 : Arts College celebrated Silver Jubilee in 1946. On the completion of nearly three decades of Brilliant academic fulfilment, the college proudly celebrated its Silver Jubilee in February, 1946 while P.N. Gowd was the principal.This august function was graced by the presence of Justice P.V. Rajamannar, Sri O. Pullaredy and Kavi Samrat Viswanatha Sathyanarayana. Justice Rajamannar laid the foundation stone for the Silver Jubilee memorial pillar.


1947 : Govt. Arts College became lead college.The college was renamed as Government Arts College in1947.The U.O.T.C. changed its complexion was converted into National Cadet Corps. 


1950 : The college started NCC unit in its campus in the year 1950 under Madras University, Chennai and later came under Sri Krishnadevaraya University,  

          Ananthapuramu in the year 1984. In the beginning there were only 50 cadets  and this number has grown into 300 cadets with 200 Men cadets and 100 

Women cadets under two NCC units. Many cadets participated in Republic Day Celebration camps and other important national level camps.


 This year two Men cadets from NCC and one woman cadet from NSS have been a part of our Republic Day parade.


1954 : Affiliated to SV University.


        1964 :  Silver Jubilee Celebrations

  1.  : Acquisition of UGC recognition: 2 (f) and 12 (B) 1965
  •  In the fifth decade, when N.R. Deendayal was the principal; he had to his credit the opening of the Evening Courses which provided opportunities for the aspiring employees to acquire higher academic qualifications. With the abolition of the college selection committee, the entire responsibility of selecting applicants for the various courses of studies devolved on the shoulders of the principal.


  • The sixth decade witnessed a steady swelling of the student enrolment, with the addition of B.Com course to the other traditional courses. While Y. Viswanatham was the principal, the college accommodated in its campus the newly started post graduate centre, which continued to stay alongside its sister institution until it has its own building.



  • The U.G.C. came forward with generous assistance for the purchase of science equipment, development of play fields and purchase of library books, journals.

1978 : Further in the seventh decade witnessed the most significant event of the

Golden Jubilee celebration of the college in October 1978, which was

inaugurated by the Honourable President Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy, who was an illustrious alumnus of the college. Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy laid the foundation stone for the Golden Jubilee memorial pillar. Many Golden Jubilee

endowment prizes and scholarships were instituted on this historic occasion.


 1993 : The eighth decade saw the expansion of library block and construction of water tank for drinking facilities to the students in the campus.(Foundation Stone, Renovated Library Block of Govt. College, 1993).


  • In the tenth decade, rapid development of the college occurred in various dimensions. Additional class rooms constructions, Computer Lab inauguration, opening of Conference Hall, construction of New Hostel Block, Excellent Gym and Walking Track in the ground were the major developments occurred in the college campus.


2004 : IQAC was established on 02-07-2004, in accordance with the guidelines of  NAAC.


2005 : Accredited with`` A, grade by NAAC (Cycle 1).  Ninth decade witnessed the foundation of Regional Co-Ordination Centre of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open 

University by Prof. D. Rama Chandram, Vice Chancellor in the college campus. Dr. Y. Thimmappa, Principal of this college with his elaborate efforts 

along with the staff Govt. Arts College Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC 

on 28th February, 2005 (Foundation Stone, Govt. Arts College,2005).


2011 : Accredited with`` A, grade by NAAC (Cycle II). Major Dr. B. Muralidhara Rao, Principal of this college with his sustainable efforts along with the staff, Alumnus and students Govt. Arts College Re-Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC on 15th September,2011.    In this phase a beautiful entrance gate for the college built by the contribution of Alumnus and donors (Foundation  Stone, Govt. Arts College, 2011).

  • In this period, Govt. Arts College expanded in academic era with the inception of many Post Graduation Courses as well as in student’s strength in UG courses (Re-accreditation Report, Govt. Arts College, 2011.

2012 : Organized first Yuvatharangam In A.P 2012-2013 (Introductory Year).A new men’s hostel building worth Rs.6.0 crores was constructed in 2012.


2013 : District Level events were organized by Govt. College (Men) Ananthapuramu.

2014 : A separate women’s hostel has been established (UGC Funds) for the benefit of the women students during the academic year 2013-2014.


2015 : The university has implemented the CBCS pattern from the academic year 2015-16 and introduced the evaluation process of mid semester exams,     

          assignments, seminars, internal practical exams, credits etc. The institute has adopted the same.  


2016 : The college has attained autonomous status (during 2016-17) and initiated the CBCS system from academic year 2016-17, introducing certain necessary reforms in evaluation process.


2017 : Accredited with`` A, grade by NAAC (Cycle III) under autonomous 

         category. Obtained  90th Rank in NIRF 2017 rankings in colleges category.


2018 : College is ranked as the 70th Best college in the country in India Today 





The most unique legacy features of the college is its association with; 

Two Presidents of India, Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who taught here and   Dr. Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy, studied here.It has produced a plethora of eminent personalities like; 

  • Sri Damodaram Sanjeevaiah, the first Dalit Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, 
  • Padma Vibhushan Prof. U.R. Rao, the former Chairman of ISRO, 
  • Dr. Y. Venugopal Reddy, Chairman, Fourteenth Finance Commission and the former Governor of RBI.
  • Prof. V. Santhappa, Scientist and the former Vice Chancellor of S.V. University, Tirupati, Prof, K. Rajagopal, Present Vice Chancellor of S.K. University, Anantapur
  • Justice Motilal B Naik, Honorary Judge, Supreme Court of India 
  • Besides the aforesaid, there are a good number of other IAS, IPS, IRS, Group-I, Public Servants of State and Central Services whom the College has produced.
  • The college has been rendering yeoman service producing academic stalwarts, science giants, intellectual icons, illustrious jurists apart from political pundits of statesman stature.




The college offers 34 programmes at the U.G. level and 10 programmes at P.G. level. Around 4500 students are now pursuing Higher Education in this institution, out of which 70% belong to S.C., S.T., and B.C categories. The College has a potential of 152 faculty working relentlessly for achieving institutional goals and objectives. There are 78 non-teaching and supporting staff, working for the institution day in and day out. The mission of the institution, its goals and objectives are translated into the programmes offered to reflect not only the tradition but also its vision for the future. Inter-disciplinary programmes like M.Sc., Microbiology, and B.Sc., Microbiology, Bio-Technology, Bio-Chemistry and BBA (Event Management) are introduced in tune with the fast-changing scenario at global level. 


The college collects feedback from students, academic peers, alumni and industries. The feedback obtained is analyzed, discussed and conclusions drawn are utilized for future improvement in curriculum development, introduction of more number of programmes and for sustaining academic growth of the institution. The institution has a transparent admission process. Admissions into UG Programmes are taken as per the online admission allotment made by Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE). Parents are invited at the time of admissions. In respect of P.G. programmes rank obtained at a common entrance test (APPGCET) conducted by APSCHE is taken into consideration and admissions are made by the University authorities. Academically backward and disadvantaged students are identified and taken care of by conducting remedial classes in all subjects. Tutorial classes are conducted for all students before or after the college hours. Students admitted are put to constant observation following ward counseling system. Innovative teaching learning methods include Students’ open forum, Freedom of Expression, Problem Solving Sessions, Quiz Point, Inspiration Point, Knowledge Point, Web oriented Assignments, Class room Seminars, Group Discussions, Quiz competitions and Socio, Economic surveys. English language laboratory enables the students to acquire communicative skills and other English language improvement techniques. 


Civil Services Foundation Programme of this college mobilizes most of the students towards civil services. Coaching classes for APPSC Group II, IV and Police Constables and other competitive exams are conducted by the Faculty Members of this college in the larger interests of the students. More than  80 teachers have attended good number of seminars, conferences, workshops, refresher courses, orientation courses, Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs) offered by NPTEL SWAYAM MOOCS by MHRD, Govt. of India, Training of Teachers (ToTs) and various other training programmes. Accounting programmes like Tally and computer training programmes are conducted for staff at least twice in a year. The quality of teachers is quite evident from the fact that 30 teachers in the past have received AP State Best Teacher Awards.


Research committee is constituted to monitor academic research and to provide facilities. 15Minor Research Projects funded by UGC, SERO Hyderabad are completed and 08 are in progress. Faculty offers consultancy service to local public, farmers, other colleges, neighborhood industries and non-government organizations and to old Students at free of cost. The college responds to the local community needs by conducting socially useful programmes like Adult Literacy Programmes, Blood Donation Camps, AIDS Awareness programmes, Eye Testing Camps, Gender Sensitization, Water Harvesting, Health and Nutrition programmes, Pulse Polio immunization programmes, Socio-economic surveys, adoption of villages and slums and other extension activities.Financial support is provided by way of scholarships to students of marginalized sections of society. NRC (Nodal Resource Centre)  arranges guest lectures in all GDCs of the district by allotting the staff of other GDCs. Also, it conducts Training programmes Workshops, Quiz Programs, etc., at district level. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar open university study center and Telugu Academy Book Center have been maintained by the principal as Coordinator

College Planning and Development Committee (CPDC), Staff Council and the other 45 committees, some of them comprising of students, regularly conduct meetings and take decisions assuring transparency and accountability in the matters like infrastructure, academic, administrative and financial aspects of the institution. The proactive Internal Quality Assurance Cell co-ordinates the academic ambience of the institution constantly interacting with the lecturers-in-charge of all departments, experts from local community and local industry. Jawahar knowledge centre provides different types of skills to the students to make them employable at the exit level and organizes Job melas and campus recruitment drives in the campus. 

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