UG Programs
Government College(A), Anantapur excels in India Today survey with B. Sc. at 118th rank, B.A. at 140th rank, and B.Com at 200th rank Nationwide. Ranked top among Government Colleges in Andhra Pradesh..šŸ’šŸ’  
B. A. Programme

Name of the Group

Group Code


1 E.H.P (EM) G1 Economics, History & Political Science
2 E.H.P (TM) G2 Economics, History & Political Science
3 Archeology G1A Economics, History &Archeology
4 T.H.P I 2 Adv. Telugu, History & Political Science
5 Journalism J1PAH Journalism, History & Public Administration
6 H.H.(TM) J2 Advanced Hindi, History, & Political Science
7 B.A. Eng. Lit L1 Advanced English, History & Communicative English
8 B.A. Urdu U3 Advanced Urdu, History& Political Science (Urdu Med)
9 EPP M2 Economics, Political Science, Philosophy
B. Com. Programme

Name of the Group

Group Code


1 B.Com (General) K1 General B.Com. section A
2 B.Com (General) (TM) K2 General B.Com. section B
3 B.Com.(Computer Applications) K1CA Computer Applications
4 B.Com.(Digital Marketing) K1D Digital Marketing
5 B.Com. (Taxation) K1T Taxation
B. Sc. Programme

Name of the Group

Group Code


1 MPE (A1) Mathematics, Physics & Electronics
2 MECS (A1E) Mathematics, Electronics &Computer Science
3 M P CS (A1P) Mathematics, Physics &Computer Science
4 MPRE (A1R) Mathematics, Physics & Renewable Energy
5 MSCS (A1S) Mathematics, Statistics &Computer Science
6 MES (EM) B1 Mathematics, Economics &Statistics
7 MES (TM) B2 Mathematics, Economics &Statistics
8 M S A B1A Mathematics, Statistics &Accountancy
9 MSCA B1S Mathematics, Statistics &Computer Applications
10 MPC (EM) C1 Mathematics, Physics &Chemistry
11 MPC (TM) C2 Mathematics, Physics &Chemistry ā„¢
12 MCAC C1A Analytical chemistry Mathematics Chemistry
13 GPC (EM) D1 Geology, Physics & Chemistry
14 GPC (TM) D2 Geology, Physics & Chemistry ā„¢
15 GPCS D1S Geology, Physics & Computer Science
16 CPZ (EM) E1 Chemistry, Physics & Zoology
17 CPZ (TM) E2 Chemistry, Physics & Zoology ā„¢
18 CZBio E1B Bio-Chemistry, Physics & Zoology ā„¢
19 BZC (EM) F1 Botany, Zoology & Chemistry
20 BZC (TM) F2 Botany, Zoology & Chemistry ā„¢
21 BCMB F1M Micro Biology, Botany & Chemistry
22 BCBT F1T Biotechnology, Botany & Chemistry
23 ESCA N1S Economics, Statistics & Computer Application

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